Tip: Are you a person who is managing diverse teams across multiple time zones & often consumed by endless virtual collaboration meetings(GVC's)?
Always occupied with emails with lengthy threads,meandering through topics? And all this is leading to miscommunications and frustration?
Google Doc- Driven Collaboration
Seeking a solution to communication chaos - Users can delve into the concept of Doc- driven collaboration where discussions are started within Google doc and primarily conducted through comments in that doc.
There are 5 steps to doc- driven collaboration-
Starting with the Doc- For in-depth or cross-team discussions, initiate with a brief document. It can be rough, serving as a conversation starter—whether a proposal, options, or a list of topics/questions.
Sharing the Doc-Share the doc to begin the discussion. The more relevant people you share with (e.g., stakeholders, domain experts, etc), the better the discussion.
Discuss in comments- Use a separate comment thread for each point of discussion. The purpose of a thread is to improve the doc, so be sure to incorporate the resolution back into the doc.
Meetings only for unresolved comments- If there are discussions that can’t be resolved in comments, discuss in a meeting. Only comment participants need to be invited, only discuss the comment(s).
Update Doc- Incorporate into the doc the outcome of the discussions, until all comments are resolved.